Opening up to learning spiritual care of patients: a grounded theory study og nursing students

Publiceret af Tove Giske. PhD, RN & Pamela H Cone. PhD, RN, CNS, den 7. januar 2013Andre

Results: The participants' main concern was "How to create a professional relationship with patients and maintain rapport when spiritual concerns were recognised?" Participants resolved this by "Opening up to learning spiritual care". This basic social process has three iterative phases that develop as a spiral throughout the nursing programme: "Preparing for connection", Connecting with and supporting patients" and "Reflecting on experiences".

Conclusion: Nurses need a wide range of competences to fulfil the nursing focus on holistic patient care. Nursing education should prepare students to recognise and act on spiritual cues. A trusting relationship and respectful and sensitive communication assist students to discover what is important to patients. An educational focus on spiritual care and existing themes throughout the nursing programme will assist students to integrate theoretical learning into clinical practice.

2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Journal of Clinical Nursing, 21, 2006-2015, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2011.04054.x

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